Kaplan and Norton, 2006 + Collis and Rukstad, 2008 - Kaplan and Norton, 2006 - Stage Closed-Loop Management System

8 important questions on Kaplan and Norton, 2006 + Collis and Rukstad, 2008 - Kaplan and Norton, 2006 - Stage Closed-Loop Management System

What are the 5 stages of the Closed-Loop Management System?

  1. Develop the strategy
  2. Translate the strategy
  3. Plan operations
  4. Monitor and learn
  5. Test and adapt the strategy

What are the 3 questions that can be linked to the first stage of the Closed-Loop Management System?

  1. What business are we in and why? (establishing the mission, vision and values)
  2. What are the key issues we face in our business?  (doing a strategic analysis of company's external and internal situation which can be summarised in SWOT matrix, the analysis will reveal issues that strategy must address)
  3. How can we best compete? (strategy formulation)

What framework can managers lean on when formulating a strategy?

Competitive advantage framework by Michael Porter (go for generic low-cost products/services or differentiated and customised ones for specific market and customer segments).
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Stage 2 is about translating the strategy, which consists of 3 steps, which 3 are these?

  1. Define strategic objectives and themes
  2. Select measures and targets
  3. Select strategic initiatives

What is the ultimate goal of this Stage 2?

To translate the strategy formulation into objectives and measures that can be communicated to all units and employees.

What 2 types of meetings make up for Stage 4 being: Monitor and Learn?

  1. Operational review meetings: reviewing performance of operating departments and business functions
  2. Strategy review meetings: review balanced scorecard to assess progress

What does stage 5 consist of which is Test and adapt the strategy?

Managers meet here to asses the performance of the strategy and adapt if necessary.

What are the 3 types of tests that must be done?

  1. Conduct profitability analysis: understanding current where strategy succeeded and failed
  2. Conduct strategy correlation analysis: estimate correlations among strategy performance numbers
  3. Examine emerging strategies: consider new strategy proposals

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