Mapping the future - Example of Uber, OPTIONAL

7 important questions on Mapping the future - Example of Uber, OPTIONAL

What are the two axis in the Uber case?

Uber or any competitor needs to deal with the arrival time and the price.

What happens when you get self-driving cars? Which also has to do with Porter

Porter said: "you always have to be careful with the disruptive strategies, knowing that you could face yourself in this case with unexpected new entrants."

Who are new potential entrants in this market?

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But then what is one of the core strengths of Uber?

They have a complete system on how to get a hold a driver (which are screened, trained). They also provide all types of services, in order to be quicker than the other driving services at an interesting price.

The strength of Uber would fall apart if Toyota would also enter the taxi business with self driving cars. Why is this the case?

Toyota would offer the cheap price, they would be as quick with their service and no more problems with taxi drivers.

What could Uber do, to step into the business, keeping in mind that many other car manufacturers will also be able to provide the same services as them?

Either they could partake in price competition, or if the arrival time of competition would be expected to be faster they could try to make a platform of which the other car manufacturers could make use of, which would allow Uber to keep a stake in the business, or if they would expect that others would have s lower arrival time, then they can capitalise on speed and lastly, "stay in your lane" which is another word for the 'sitting duck', wait till it goes over and Toyota changes its mind and won't do anything.

What would be the best option here? If Toyota and Opel, Volkswagen would step in, how could Uber stay in business and not loose anything?

Platform because they know the market and have the knowledge and are willing to share this by offering the car service via the platform of Uber. And the scenario then has to explain HOW.

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