Griskevicius et al, 2012 - Pre-dispositions - Future discounting

4 important questions on Griskevicius et al, 2012 - Pre-dispositions - Future discounting

The fourth pre-disposition is about Future discounting, what does this build on?

  • The fact that natural selection is not a forward-looking process. Hunter-gatherers' labor was rewarded the same day.
  • Immediate rewards which survival depended on.
  • Uncertain environments which lead to focus on now.

What is our behaviour focused on when looking at the Future discounting pre-disposition?

We tend to value the present and discount the future.

How do we link this pre-disposition to sustainable behaviour?

  1. We emphasise the present consequences of something. Here an example is healthy food so it being healthy has benefits for the future but emphasising what it does for you in the present, it is tasty, encourages behaviour.
  2. Highlight stability
  3. Attractiveness of social and sustainable behavior
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What are the prevalent principles in this pre-disposition?

  1. Life history theory: individual differences in future discounting develop in part as a response to specific environmental factors.
  2. Sexual selection: men discount future more steeply than women.
  3. Parental investment: the sex in a species with lower obligatory investment in offspring will be more competitive.

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