Griskevicius et al, 2012 - Pre-dispositions - Desire for relative status

7 important questions on Griskevicius et al, 2012 - Pre-dispositions - Desire for relative status

What is the main reason behind the pre-disposition: Desire for relative status?

Relative status improves reproductive opportunities.

What does the pre-disposition of a Desire for relative status result from?

We want to be in a better position than our peers.

What does the pre-disposition of a Desire for relative status result from?

We want to be in a better position than our peers.
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How does the Desire for relative status stimulate environment degradation?

It leads to wasteful consumption.

How does the Desire for relative status stimulate environment degradation?

It leads to wasteful consumption.

How can you stimulate sustainable behaviour in terms of Desire for relative status?

It comes down to a competitive element.
  1. Pro-social competition and rankings
  • Publishing a greenlist/ranking which has the competitive element to create relative status.
    • companies will compete for better positions on the list.
  1. Easily identifiable self-sacrifing behavior
  • Make green behaviour visible and a high status behaviour.
    • then people will want to be green.

What are the two principles linked to this pre-disposition?

  1. Costly signaling: natural selection favors people who engage in activities that are increasingly costly.
  2. Competitive altruism: people are particularly motivated to compete for status through proenvironmental behaviors that signal self-sacrifice.

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