Griskevicius et al, 2012 - Pre-dispositions - Ignore impalpable concerns

5 important questions on Griskevicius et al, 2012 - Pre-dispositions - Ignore impalpable concerns

The fifth pre-disposition is that we: Ignore impalpable concerns. What kind of issues are these?

Issues that are not possible to perceive by sense.

What does the pre-disposition on: Ignore impalpable concerns, build on?

In the past there was a tangible link between behaviour and consequences. So we have an alarm for tangible things but not for less tangible problems we cannot sense.

What is a result of the fact that we do not have an alarm to sense less tangible problems?

We do not sense how our behaviour effects the environment thus it is less salient to us.
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How can you link this pre-disposition to stimulate sustainable behaviour?

  • Make environmental problems visible, tangible, hearable etc.
  • Tie behaviour to consequences (e.g. Odometer with real-time CO2 emissions).

What are the 3 principles linked to this pre-disposition?

  1. Sensory mechanisms
  2. Environmental mismatch
  3. Biophilia (desire to cooperate with nature)

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