Understanding International law - After WWII

4 important questions on Understanding International law - After WWII

Which institutes did the founding treaty of The UN created?

1. The security council
2. The General Assembly
3. The International Court of Justice

What is the task of the General Assembly?

1. It is an institute where all states can voice their opinion.
2. It also helps to develop international law by establishing the International Law Commisson

Which regional organizations where founded apart from the international UN?

1. The EU
2. The Council of Europe
3. The Organization of American States
4. The African Union
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Give a small recap of the law timeline

1. 17th and 18th century: the believe in natural law
2. 18th and 19th century: development of legal positivism. Natural law should be rejected
3. 20th century: after WWI and WWII, natural law re-emerged to determine common values such as universal human right

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