International law of the Sea

5 important questions on International law of the Sea

Where can the law of the sea, for the biggest part, be found?

In the 1982 United Nations convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC).

In which different maritime zones can the sea be divided?

1. The territorial sea (which is up to 12 nautical miles measured from the baseline)
2. Contiguous zone (24 nautical miles measured from the baseline)
3. Exclusive economic zone EEZ (it starts after the territorial sea and is a maximum of 200 nautical miles measured from the baseline)
4. Part of the EEZ is the continental shelf (this refers to what can be found in and on the bottom of the sea)

Are there also maritime zones where coastal zones do not have special rights?

Yes they are. In this cases jurisdiction is regulated by common rules everyone has to follow:
1. The High Sea:
On the High Sea the freedom of the High Sea and the freedom of shipping exists. This means that a ship or vessel is only subject to the jurisdiction of its flag
2. The Area:
Is the bottom of the ocean and it is known to be the common heritage of mankind. The resources will somehow be shared by mankind.
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Where do foreign vessels have the right of innocent passage?

In the territorial sea

What does innocent passage mean of entail?

That can be found in the articles of the LOSC;
1. Art. 17-18: you can find who enjoys the right and when
2. Art. 19: tells you when passage is no longer innocent
3. Art. 21: you can find the prescriptive jurisdiction of the coastal state
4. Art. 25: Legal consequences of passage no longer being innocent    

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