Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - fragile empires - the dual monarchy in austria-hungary

4 important questions on Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - fragile empires - the dual monarchy in austria-hungary

How were the troubles in hungary resolved?

after lengthy negotiations, a deal was struck in 1867. hungary and austria would both act as independent states, bound together by a shared monarcy. internal matters were dealt with by each state but imperial matters were handled jointly

What was the strongest challenge to habsburg rule?

the maygars in hungary were demanding more self rule and were essential in rulling hungar

What was the main priority of franz joseph?

his government's main concern was the preservation of austria's remaining territories after losing its german and italian territories
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How could a minority have control over hungary?

they were the largest of several ethnic groups and had drawn most power towards themselves. they controlled the army, government and bureaucracy. they opposed selfrule of other minorities and tried to maygarlize others by nly teaching maygar, speaking it in business and giving positions to those maygarlized

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