War and revolution, 1914-1919 - the unforeseeen stalemate, 1914-1917 - augist 1914: the domestic and military setting

4 important questions on War and revolution, 1914-1919 - the unforeseeen stalemate, 1914-1917 - augist 1914: the domestic and military setting

Why was the socialist response to the war surprising?

socialists in all nations rallied behind their respective war effort instead of sticking to their beliefs. the second international failed to keep workers from dying in war.

Which side had the advantage at the start of the war?

the triple ententre had superior numbers but the triple alliance had better equipment and coordination. both sides had advantages.

What other countries joined the triple entente?

italy joined the entente in 1915 and was promised italian speaking territory in austria-hungary when they won
romania joined in 1916, hoping to gain transylvania
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What countries joined the central powers?

the ottoman empire joined in 1914 out of fear of russia.
bulgaria joined in 1915 hoping to gain serbian territories

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