Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - the quest for reform, 1830-1848 - ottoman empire and greek independence

3 important questions on Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - the quest for reform, 1830-1848 - ottoman empire and greek independence

What were the problems that the ottoman empire's government faced?

the ottoman empire had to deal with out of control janissaries, decay in the bureauracy and ruthless tax collectors

What groups resisted ottoman rule?

the two primary areas of resistence were greece and serbia, both clinging to the past of self rule or in the case of greece the classiccal period. christian majorities found a collective in religion against the ottoman rule

Who were the first to rebel?

the serbians were the first to rebel in 1804 and gained a governor and a national assembly in 1815, milosh hosh became hereditary ruler of serbia in 1830 and ruled until 1839,

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