The new imperialism and the spread of europe's influence - from optimism to anxiety: politics and culture

5 important questions on The new imperialism and the spread of europe's influence - from optimism to anxiety: politics and culture

What ideals did liberals compromise on in the late 19th century?

they were in favor of free market but were willing to protect their own markets by limiting the international free markets with tarrifs. they wanted to help workers by imposing laws and taxes. it was a mixed thing to do since it gave workers more liberty but took liberties away from industrialists.

What were the goals of socialist parties?

to improve the lives of workers by arguing their causes. the parties varied in methods, some wanting to work within the system and others not shunning violence

What was the goal of anarchism?

to abolish government. once free of the restraints of a state, people would join together in communes and share the fruits of their labor
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How did the emancipation of jews hurt jews in the end?

they were given new opportunities and some made a lot of money. non-jews resented the jews as a whole for their success, even though most were of modest means

What changed in mentalities of the people?

Whereas in the previous decades people had trust in reason and science, now people were more uncertain and new romanticism

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