Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - italian unification, 1859-1870 - the plot to unify italy

5 important questions on Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - italian unification, 1859-1870 - the plot to unify italy

Why was it a logical assumption that piedmont-sardinia would lead the unification?

piedmont-sardinia was the only kingdom in itlay that had kept its constitution and welcomed refugees from other italian states. it was also the economic choice since it was most modern, founding banks and lying rialwaylines

Count camillo di cavour?

cavour was tthe prime minister of piedmont-sardinia. he was a liberal and a journalist before joining the government. he sought unification with the center and north of italy. he realized the help of france was needed and that was the reason piedmont-sardinia joined in the crimean war, to gain napoleon III's favor

What was the french-piedmont plan to liberate the occupied italian regions?

the piedmont forces would stir up trouble until austria declared war and then france would come to the rescue and together, they would kick some austrian ass and liberate italian provinces
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Why did napoleon III not push through with the plan?

after several bloody battles in magenta and solferino, napoleon III had enough of bloodshed. combined with the mobilization of prussian armies, napoleon deccided to cut a deal behind cavour's back, giving cavour lombardy but not venetia.
united italy was also growing to big for napoleon's liking

Why would it be logical for the French to help Italy?

Same enemy: Austria

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