The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - culture in an age of optimism - birth of the social sciences

3 important questions on The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - culture in an age of optimism - birth of the social sciences

Why was there a new interest in history?

the rapid transformations in the current society made the people of the 19th century interested in changes in history and nationalism wanted a past to build their ideas on or legitimize themselves

Leopold von ranke?

created the philosphy of current historians, that ages should be judged on their own merit, not by our current ideals, that personal ideas and interests should be left aside. he created rules for historical research, turning history into an actual science

What other science rose up?

anthropology was the research into the difference between civilizations. it became a major science since europeans got more into contact with civilizations all over the world

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