Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - the changing nature of international relationships - the crimean war, 1854-1856

6 important questions on Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - the changing nature of international relationships - the crimean war, 1854-1856

Why did russia declare war on the ottoman empire?

the russians claimed to protect orthodox christians in the muslim ottoman empire and defeated the ottomans in the war of 1953.

What was brittains interest in the ottoman empire?

brittain feared that if the ottoman empire collapsed, russia would move in on the mediterranean, threatening its naval control over the area. brittain's people also was against russian agression, allowing brittain to go to war

Why did france get involved in the war?

france sought to strengthen its bond with brittain and napoleon III believed that if they were victorious, france could redraw the european map, allowing france more power
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What was special about the crimean war?

the crimean war was special for 3 reasons
1. it was the first major conflict since the congress of vienna
2. it showed the incompetence of the military leadership
3. for the first time, media had a major role in reporting the war and changing opinions

Who won the war?

brittain and france won the war in 1855 after russia abandoned sevastopol after 300.000 had lost their lives

What were the results of the crimean war?

The Ottoman Empire came in touch with the technology of the West

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