Summary: Work Psychology (Psy09700)
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Read the summary and the most important questions on WORK PSYCHOLOGY (PSY09700)
1 What is Work Psychology Anyway
What is Work & Occupational Psychology?
Protected titles across the world- Occupational psychology (used in UK)
- Industrial psychology (more popular in the USA)
- Organisational psychology
- Organisational behaviour
-Interchangeable… but subtle differences
-The focus of Occupational is individual. The focus of organisational starts with collectives -
When did work start? 19th century
- It depends on what you count as ‘work’
- Work ‘as we know it’…
- Industrial Revolution
- 19th century, welfare --> Factory Acts in UK
- Psychology ‘as we know it’…
- Developments in ‘scientific’ and experimental methodologies in psychology – 1870s
- Some ‘bumps’ along the way
- Applied to work – from the early 20th century
2 Selection Part I - How do we do
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Standards for Effectiveness (3) - RELIABILITY & INTERPRETABILITY
-Over diff, timeperiods
-Inter-rater reliability
-Degree ofagreement between multipleraters : e.g. interviewsImproved bystructured scoring systems
-Internal consistency
-Items within test itselfINTERPRETABILITY
-Usuallyfail-pass against apre-set market E.g. driving test
-Compares scores to those of othergroups of people (norms)
E.g. above/ belowaverage , %scores or stenscores
-Important to know what norms areavailable -
Standards for Effectiveness (3) - Add. Notes
Internal consistency used to check that differentparts of the test aremeasuring the same thing.
A stenscore indicates anindividual's approximate position (as arange ofvalues ) withrespect to thepopulation ofvalues and, therefore, to other people in thatpopulation . -
Standards for Effectiveness (4) - Utility
Utility Fairness /equality It is most important to remember that, at the point ofselection , allapplicants must be judged equally on ajob-related basis.Discrimination at the point ofselection is unlawful.
-Equality &Human Rights Commission
-Need todemonstrate link to job performanceCost
-Pull onorganisational resources
-Developing in-house test vs. buying from testpublishers
-In-house training vsexternal consultant Practicality -
Selection – Prelim Overview
Selection practices & theory driven by thePredictive /Systematic ModelCentral emphasis placed onorganisation ’s needs &criterion-related predictive validity
Ability of measure to predict a future criterion (job performance)
- Model offers:
Possibility of a ‘sure and certain’positive decision Possibility ofscientific , objectivedecision Possibility of neutral, fairdecision
3 Selection Part II - Taking a psychological approach to
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Psychometrics - Ability Tests (1)
GeneralMental Ability (GMA ) –psychometric term forintelligence Strong evidence ofcriterion-related validity for job performance (up to .64) & training (up to .74) Ones et al (2005 )- Evidence across jobs & countries: e.g.
Salgado et al. (2003 ) - But…Still
controversy overadoption in practice:validity-diversity dilemma (e.g.Personnel Psychology vol 61(1)
Specialized ability testsWide range for specificrequirements - Validity evidence usually via test
publishers - but see Ones et al (
2005 ) for review
Work Sample - Summary
Work Sample has high face validity. -
Throwing out baby with bathwater? [discard something valuable along with other things that are undesirable]
- Can decision-making ever be completely rational? Would we want it to be?
- Some ‘biases’ are important for job outcomes (Dipboye, 2005)
- Increasing structure means restricting dialogue & flexibility
- Interview needs to be a two-way process
- Fairness in testing & perceived fairness of process can differ
Interview – Summary & Tensions
anidiomatic expression for anavoidable error in which something good iseliminated when trying to getrid of something bad
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
Topics related to Summary: Work Psychology (Psy09700)
Motivation - Who has the responsibility for your motivation?
Motivation - Theory and practice Section 1 of
Motivation - Theory and practice Section 2 of
Motivation - Morphing motivation into engagement
Stress Part One - Theories of Stress at work and workplace interventions
Stress Part Two - Theories and Models
Stress Part Three - Moving on to Wellbeing