Co-ownership - Creation of Legal Estates and Interests

4 important questions on Co-ownership - Creation of Legal Estates and Interests

STEP 1: Is it necessary for the legal estate and interest to be made by deed under s52(1) LPA 1925?

s 52(1) LPA 1925 legal estates and interests are void unless made by deed.

STEP 2: the exception in s 52(2)(d) LPA 1925 states that some leases are not required by law to be made in writing. Explain how s54(2) LPA 1925 describe such leases.

This is known as the parol lease exception eg, (a legal lease for a term of 2 years) which can be granted orally. This only applies to the creation of and not a sale of a lease:

  • in possession
  • for a term not exceeding three years.
  • pays the best rent which can be reasonably obtained without taking a fine.  

The requirements for a deed are contained in which section of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989?

S 1 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989
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STEP 3: Explain the requirements for a deed mentioned in ss52(1) LPA 1925 which are contained in s1 LP(MP) A 1989?

A valid deed must:

  • say that it is a deed
  • signed
  • witnessed
  • delivered as a deed (does not have to be physical, but also a matter of intention)

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