Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - Total War and the Terror

3 important questions on Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - Total War and the Terror

Why did France (although first on the losing side) recover and win (7)

1) collaborated with the sans-culottes and established a planned economy with maximum prices for key products
2) people were put to work on supplies for the war effort
3) Reign of Terror who tried enemies of the nation for political crimes
4) cultural revolution that would transform former royal subjects into republican citizens
5) rationalize French daily life (new calendar)
6) de-Christianization aimed to eliminate Catholic symbols and beliefs
7) appeal to a new sense of national identity and patriotism

When was the Reign of Terror


When were French armies victorious on all fronts and suppressed the domestic revolt (thua republic saved)

By Spring 1794

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