Life in the Era of Expansion - protestant revival

3 important questions on Life in the Era of Expansion - protestant revival

Why was there a Protestant Revival? And by what was it threatened

Because Reformation's goal: bring all believers closer to god was threatened.

1. Protestant churches settled into complacency
2. Growth of state power and bureaucracy in local parishes

How is this Protestant revival known as, and what are its 3 aspects

1. Pietism called for a warm, emotional religion that everyone could experience: enthusiasm was important
2. Radical stress on the priesthood of all believers
3. Believed in practical power of Christian rebirth in everyday affairs

Name 4 problems the faith in England faced

1. Government used the Church of England to provide favourites with high-paying jobs
2. Church and state offices failed to respond to the spiritual needs
3. Services became an uninspiring routine
4. Deism (influenced by Enlightenment) was becoming popular

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