Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - The Origins of the Revolution

5 important questions on Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - The Origins of the Revolution

Which taxes did the British announce to deal with her debt (with years)

1765: Stamp Act
1773: Tea Act (East India Company allowed to ship tea from China directly to its agents in colonies)

Explain the Proclamation Line made in 1763 and what were its results

It prohibits colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
It failed to stop the flow of migrants but did exacerbate the suspicion and tensions between Britain and America

Why was America so resistance to these threats and taxes? (4)

Because of the great degree of independence, they enjoyed:
1) no powerful established church; religious freedom for granted
2) Colonial assemblies made important laws, seldom overturned by the British government
3) right to vote more widespread
4) greater political equality was matched by greater social and economic equality
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How did Boston react to the Tea Act

Disguising themselves as Native Americans and throwing tea into the harbour

How did the British respond to the Tea party

With the Coercive Acts of 1744: closed the port of Boston, curtailed local elections, expanded royal governor's power

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