Toward a New Worldview - The methods of Science: Bacon and Descartes

8 important questions on Toward a New Worldview - The methods of Science: Bacon and Descartes

What was one of the keys to achievement of a new worlds view in the 17th century

The development of better ways of obtaining knowledge

For what did Bacon advocate for

Bacon advocated for experimentation

For what did Descartes advocated

Descartes advocated for mathematical reasoning
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What idea did Descartes develop

The idea that matter was made up of identical corpuscles that collided together in an endless series of motion

What was Descartes' greatest achievement

To develop his initial vision into a whole philosophy of knowledge and science

Explain Descartes view called Cartesian dualism

That all of reality could ultimately be reduced to mind and matter

Name the flaw of bacon's experimentalism

Bacon's inability to appreciate the importance of mathematics and his obsession with practical results

Name the flaw of Descartes' mathematical reasoning

Descartes' position demonstrated the inadequacy of rigid, dogmatic rationalism

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