Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - Breakdown of the Old Order

4 important questions on Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - Breakdown of the Old Order

What was the solution the ministers of King Louis XV to the financial crisis (why it failed)

raise taxes to meet the expense of the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War and to make nobles pay direct taxes for the first time.

But his efforts were thwarted by the parlement

How did the government handle its finance after the resistance of the parlement

It was forced to finance its expenditures during the American war with borrowed money, so national debt soared

Why was Louis XV desacralized?

Because he had scandalized the country with a series of mistresses of low social orgins
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How did Louis XV's successor handle the situation

(the eager-to-please) Louis XVI waffled on political reform and the economy and proved unable to quell the rising storm of opposition

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