Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - The Seven Years' War

4 important questions on Revolutions in Politics (1775-1815) - The Seven Years' War

When was the Seven Years' War and what was in the end its result (longterm)

1756-1763, it's ending planted the seed for the revolutions

What was the origin of the Seven Years' war?

The conflicts left unresolved at the end of the War of the Austrian Succession in 1748 during which Prussia seized the Austrian territory of Silesia, Austria's Maria Theresa vowed to win it back to re-established Habsburgs' leadership.

How did the Seven Years' War end for Prussia and Austria

Austria almost succeeded, but Prussia survived with its boundaries intact
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What was the result of the Seven Years' War for France and Britain (territory, treaty)

British victory on all colonial fronts was ratified in the 1763 Treaty of Paris. Britain was given French territory east of the Mississippi River. France also gave Louisiana to Spain as compensation for Spain's loss of Florida to Britain. France also gave up most of its holdings in India --> opening the way for British dominance on the subcontinent

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