Toward a New Worldview - Enlightenment Movements across Europe

7 important questions on Toward a New Worldview - Enlightenment Movements across Europe

How the international groups of scholars and writers called

The Republic of Letters

How was the Scottish Enlightenment marked

By an emphasis on common sense and scientific reasoning

What was the Scottish Hume's emphasis on

Hume emphasized on Civic morality and religious skepticism
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How did Hume undermine the Enlightenment's faith in the power of reason

By emphasizing the superiority of senses and the passions over reason in driving human thought and behaviour

What did Adam Smith argue

That social interaction produced feelings of mutual sympathy that led people to behave in ethical ways, despite inherent tendencies toward self-interest

What became a key question of the celebration of sensibility in the 18th-century

The proper relationship between reason and the emotions

What was according to Kant the motto of enlightenment

Have the courage to use your own understanding

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