Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering - Security Models

6 important questions on Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering - Security Models

What is the purpose of a Security Model?

Provides a way for designers to map abstract statements into a security policy:
  • Determine how security will be implemented, what subjects can access the system, and what objects they will have access to.

What are the properties of Security Models?

  • Simple security property: Describes rules for read
  • Star * security property: Describes rules for write
  • Invocation property: Rules around invocations (calls), such as to subjects

What Security Models are about Integrity?

  • Biba
    State machine model (SMM)
  • Clark-Wilson
    Access control triple
  • Goguen-Meseguer
    THE noninterference model
  • Sutherland
    preventing interference (information flow and SMM)
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What Security Models are about Confidentiality?

  • Bell-LaPadula -> government (DoD)
    No read up, no write down
  • Brewer and Nash
    aka “Chinese Wall”
  • Take Grant
    Employs a “directed graph”

What is the definition of a State Machine Model?

  • Describes a system that is always secure no matter what state it is in.
  • Based on the computer science definition of a finite state machine (FSM).
  • A state is a snapshot of a system at a specific moment in time. All state transitions must be evaluated.
  • If each possible state transition results in another secure state, the system can be called a secure state machine.

What is the definition of an Information Flow Model?

  • Focuses on the flow of information
  • Information flow models are based on a state machine model
  • Biba and Bell-LaPadula are both information flow models
  • Bell-LaPadula preventing information flow from a high security level to a low security level
  • Biba focuses on flow from low to high security level

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