Service Manager - LDAP authentication

10 important questions on Service Manager - LDAP authentication

What are the ten parameters in an LDAP configuration array?

1. host
2. port
3. useStartTls
4. useSsl
5. username
6. password
7. bindRequiresDn
8. baseDn
9. accountCanonicalForm
10. accountDomainName

What is the default port for non ssl and ssl ldap connections?

Non SSL: 389
SSL: 636

Which LDAP server does not require the bindRequiresDn parameter?

Active Directory
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What are two example ldap server implementations?

1. OpenLDAP
2. Active Directory

What are the three valid values for the accountCanonicalForm parameter?

2 = alice (traditional)
3 = FOO\alice (backslash style)
4 = (principal style)

What is the format of the debug messages returned by the LDAP adapter?

index 0 - user error message
index 1 - detailed error message
index 2 and higher - all error messages

What accountCanonicalForm should be used for Active Directory?

3 = backslash style

Why should you always use qualified account names in LDAP authentication?

To prevent account ambiguity

What is the default accountCanonicalForm used by the LDAP adapter?

4 = principal style names

When is the accountDomainNameShort parameter required?

When accountCanonicalForm 3 is used (backslash style names)

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