Samenvatting: Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology Of The Mind | 9780393111361 | Michael S Gazzaniga, et al
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Lees hier de samenvatting en de meest belangrijke oefenvragen van Cognitive Neuroscience: The biology of the mind | 9780393111361 | Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry, George R. Mangun ; with Megan S. Steven.
1 A Brief History of Cognitive Neuroscience
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Wat blijft intact en wat niet bij split-brain patienten wat betreft interpretaties?
Verbale intelligentie en probleemoplossingsvaardigheden blijven relatief intact, maar de mogelijkheid om vrij op te roepen (free recall) niet. Dit geldt voor de linker hemisfeer, bij de rechter hemisfeer is dit wel beschadigd. -
Wat is 'neuronal conduction'?
Neuronal conduction is het proces hoe het brein informatie overbrengt. -
Het geheugen omvat drie belangrijke aspecten:
de opslag, het vasthouden of bewaren en het terugzoeken van informatie. -
Wordt de emotionele staat van mensen verstoord door split-brain operaties?
Nee, want de transfer van emotionele staat vindt subcorticaal plaats. -
Uit welke drie onderdelen komt het proces van cognitie (weten) uit voort?
Het proces van cognitie (weten) komt voort uit:- Bewustzijn
- Perceptie
- Redeneren
In welke verhouding pompt de natriumkalium-pomp?
3 Na naar buiten en 2 K naar binnen -
Wat zijn de limitaties van lateraliteitsonderzoek zoals 'dichotic listening task'?
Bias in publiceren, kleine en inconsistente resultaten, interpretatie is problematisch. -
Welke hersengebieden horen bij welk soort geheugen?
Amygdala - angstcerebellum - trial and error gebaseerd op voorspellingsfoutenbasale ganglia - bekrachtiging -
Wat zijn 3 functies van de geplooide cortex?
- Vergroten oppervlak
- Driedimensionale binding tussen neuronen gaat over kleinere afstand
- Verschillende hersengebieden kunnen met elkaar verbonden worden -
Welk gebied is het belangrijkst bij geheugen? En welk belangrijk gebied behoort ook tot deze?
Medial temporal lobe, hippocampus
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Onderwerpen gerelateerd aan Samenvatting: Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology Of The Mind
A Brief History of Cognitive Neuroscience - The brain story
A Brief History of Cognitive Neuroscience - The psychological story
Cellular Mechanisms and Cognition - Cells of the nervous system
Cellular Mechanisms and Cognition - Neuronal signaling
Transmembrane proteins: Ion Channels and pumps - Ion channels - Gated and Nongated ion channels
Cellular Mechanisms and Cognition - Synaptic transmission
Neuroanatomy & Development - Neuroanatomy
Neuroanatomy & Development - Gross & functional anatomy of nervous system
Neuroanatomy & Development - Development of the nervous system
Neuroanatomy & Development - Plasticy in the nervous system
Neuroanatomy & Development - Key Terms
Stenberg- aandacht en bewustzijn
Sensation & Perception - Auditory Perception
Sensation & Perception - Olfactory perception
Sensation & Perception - Gustatory Perception
Sensation & Perception - Somatosensory Perception
Sensation & Perception - Vision - Deficits in visual perception
Sensation & Perception - Multimodal Perception - Synesthesia
Object Recognition - Two cortical pathways for visual perception
Object Recognition - Computational problems in object recognition
Object Recognition - Failures in object recognition
Object Recognition - The perception of faces
Object Recognition - Two systems for object recognition
The Control of Action - Motor structures
The Control of Action - Computational Issues in motor control - Representation of movement plans
The Control of Action - Physiological analysis of motor pathways
Functional analysis of the motor system and movement disorders - Cortical areas - Apraxia
Functional analysis of the motor system and movement disorders - Cortical areas - The cortex and the selection of movement
Functional analysis of the motor system and movement disorders - Subcortical areas: cerebellum and basal ganglia - Cerebellum
Functional analysis of the motor system and movement disorders - Subcortical areas: cerebellum and basal ganglia - Basal ganglia
The Control of Action - Take home messages
Learning and Memory - Theories of learning and memory
Learning and Memory - Memory and brain
Learning and Memory - Cellular bases of Learning and Memory
Issues in the Cognitive neuroscience of emotion - Dimensions of emotion
Emotion - Neural systems in emotional processing
Theories of Language - Storage of words and concepts - Neural substrates of the mental lexicon and conceptual knowledge
Storage of words and concepts - Perceptual analyses of the linguistic input - Spoken input
Theories of Language - Storage of words and concepts - Written input
Language - Theories of Language - Lexical integration in discourse
Language - Theories of Language - Speech production
Language - Neuropsychology of Language and Language Disorders
Language - Neurophysiology of Language
Language - Take-home messages
Hemispheric Specialisation - Principles of cerebral organization
Hemispheric Specialisation - How the two hemispheres communicate
Hemispheric Specialisation - Hemispheric specialization
Hemispheric Specialisation - What brain functions are lateralized?
Attention and Consciousness - Theoretical Models of Attention
Attention and Consciousness - Neural Mechanisms of Attention and Selective Perception
Attention and Consciousness - Neurology and Neuropsychology of Attention
Attention and Consciousness - Models of Attention and Awareness
Attention and Consciousness - Take-Home Messages
Cognitive Control - Subdivisions of the Frontal Lobes
Cognitive Control - The Lateral Prefrontal Cortex and Working Memory
Cognitive Control - The Prefrontal Cortex and Other Memory Domains
Cognitive Control - Component Analysis of the Prefrontal Cortex
Cognitive Control - Goal-Oriented Behaviour - Planning and Selecting an Action
Cognitive Control - Goal-Oriented Behaviour - Cognitive Control of Goal-Oriented Behavior
Cognitive Control - Goal-Oriented Behaviour - Retrieval and Selection of Task-Relevant Information
Cognitive Control - Goal-Oriented Behaviour - Task Switching
Cognitive Control - Top-Down Cognitive Control
Cognitive Control - Ensuring That Goal-Oriented Behaviours Succeed
Cognitive Control - Take Home Messages
Social Cognition - Self-Perception and Self-Knowledge
Social Cognition - Perception of Other People
Social Cognition - Convergence in the Perception of Self and Others
Social Cognition - Convergence in the perception of self and other - Representations of Social Knowledge
Social Cognition - Convergence in the perception of self and other - Using Social Knowledge to Make Decisions
Social Cognition - Convergence in the perception of self and other - Neuroeconomics
Social Cognition - Social knowledge - Representations of Social Knowledge
Social Cognition - Social knowledge - Social Responses
Social Cognition - How we predict what other people are going to do (Frith & Frith)
Social Cognition - Sociale cognitie bij adolescenten (art. Blakemore en Iacoboni)
Brain Research - Frith
An integrative model: working Memory
Multiple memory Systems
Retrieval - Retrieval from short memory - The winner A serial Exhaustive Model, with some qualifications
Exploring cognitive psychology - The nature of attention and consciousness