Samenvatting: Fundamentals Of Anatomy & Physiology | Frederic H Martini, et al
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Lees hier de samenvatting en de meest belangrijke oefenvragen van Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology | Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath, Edwin F. Bartholomew ; [with] William C. Ober, art coord. and ill. ; Claire W. Garrison, ill. ; Kathleen Welch, clinical consult. ; Ralph T. Hutchings, biomedical photogr.
1 introduction to anatomy and physiology
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Relatie quadranten + organen
BLAUW RUQ (r upper quad. | LUQ
RLQ (lower) |LLQ
Rood R. hypogondriac reg | epigastric reg | L hypogondriac reg
R. lumbar reg | Umbilical (navel) reg | L lumbar reg
R. Inguinal (lies) reg | Hypogastric reg | L Inguinal reg -
Drie onderdelen van homeostatic regulatie mechanisme
1. Receptor - een sensor die sensitief is voor bepaalde stimulans dan wel verandering in het interne milieu
2. Control-center - ontvangt en verwerkt informatie aangeleverd door de receptor. En verstuurd opdrachten .
3 . Effector - cel of orgaan dat reageert op de opdrachten vanuit het control-center en wiens activiteit de waargenomen stimulans ( opgevangen door receptor) versterkt dan wel tegenwerkt -
Negatieve feedback homeostase
een soort van tegen aanval. Vb.
Thermoregulatie: homeostatisch control center zit in de hypothalamus met sensoren op de huid en in de hypoth. Bij een verhoogde temp. 37.2 twee effectoren worden geïnitieerd. Spieren rond om de bloedvaten verzorgen bloed naar de huid en zweetklieren. Spier ontspannen waardoor bloedvaten verwijden, toenemende bleodstroom door de vaten onderhuid. Zweetklieren verhogen production. The huid werkt dan als een radiator en geeft zijn warmte aan de omgeving. Als temp weer normaal is dan de thermoregulatie neemt af, bloedstroom naar de huid en zweetproductie nemen af tot voorgaande niveau. -
Positieve feedback homeostase
een stimulans die het proces versterkt en overdrijft ipv het tegenwerken zoals bij negatief. een extreme response.
In het lichaam gebeurd dit bij (potentieel) gevaarlijke momenten waarbij het proces snel moet plaatsvinden om hemeostase te herstellen.
Bv. bij een snee, bloedverlies, door blood clotting . Dus het lichaam zorgt er voor dat er bloedverlies is! en door chemische reactie uit de vaat want ontstaat de clotting -
Homeastase onderinvloed van gevaren
infecties, trauma/injury/ genetische afwijking -
6 niveau's van organisatie molecuul naar compleet
- chemisch niveau - atomen. Deze vormen gecombineerd = moleculen in compl vormen welke de functie bepalen
-Cel niveau - kleinste levende eenheid in ons lichaam. Moleculen kunnen samen organelles vormen <- welke een specifieke functie in een cel hebben. bv. energie produceren organelle zorgt voor de energie nodig om een hartspiercel te laten contraheren
- Weefsel niveau - groep cellen die samenwerken voor een specifieke functie
-Orgaan niveau - Organen bestaan uit 2 of meer weefsels die samen werking.
-orgaan systeem niveau - een groep organen welke samenwerken en gezamenlijk een bepaalde functie hebben . bv. hartsm bloed en grote vaten zorgen voor cadiovasculaire systeem
-organisme niveau - individuele mens. -
Homeostasis (homeo = unchanging + statis = standing)
instaat zijn van het menselijk lichaam om aanpassing in het fysiologisch systeem toe te passen om homeastase te behouden -
Verschil functie elektrisch signaal en chemisch signaal
Zenuwstelsel - elektrisch, direct, kort-termijn en erg specifiek bv bij branden vingers
Endocrien - chemisch signaal, Hormonen in bloedsomloop, niet altijd direct effect, effect kan dagen tot weken aanhouden. bv langer termijn samenstelling en volume van bloed -
1.1 Anatomy and physiology directly affect your life
Wat is de oudste medische wetenschap?
Anatomie: de eerste anatomische tekeningen dateren van 1600 voor christus. -
Waarom is het belangrijk om fysiologie en anatomie te studeren?
Het geeft ons een belangrijk begrip van waarom mensen ziek worden, en wat we daar aan kunnen doen.
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Onderwerpen gerelateerd aan Samenvatting: Fundamentals Of Anatomy & Physiology
Introduction to anatomy and physiology
The Chemical Level of Organization - Atoms are the basic particles of matter
The Chemical Level of Organization - Chemical bonds are forces formed by atom interactions - Ionic bonds
The Chemical Level of Organization - Physiological systems depend on water
The Chemical Level of Organization - Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio
The Chemical Level of Organization - Lipids often contain a carbon-to-hydrogen ratio of 1:2
The Chemical Level of Organization - Protein contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and are formed from amino acids
The Chemical Level of Organization - DNA and RNA are nucleic acids
The Chemical Level of Organization - ATP is a high-energy compound used by cells
The cellular level of organization
The Endocrine System - Homeostasis is preserved through intercellular communication by the nervous and endocrine systems
The Endocrine System - The endocrinsystem regulates physiological processes by releasing bloodborne hormones that bind to receptors on remote target organs
The Endocrine System - The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland produces and releases hormones under hypothalamic control, while the posterior lobe releases hypothalamic hormones
The Endocrine System - The paired adrenal glands secrete several hormones that affect electrolyte balance and stress responses - Corticosteroids of the adrenal cortex
The Endocrine System - The pancreas is both an exocrine organ and an endocrine gland that produces hormones affecting the blood glucose level - Hormones that regulate the blood glucose level
The Endocrine System - Many organs have secondary endocrine functions
The Endocrine System - Hormones interact over our lifetime to produce coordinated physiological responses
Blood - Plasma, the fluid portion of blood, contains siginifanct amounts of plasma proteins
Blood - Red blood cells, formed by erythropoiesis, contain hemoglobin and can be recycled - Structure of RCBs
Blood - Red blood cells, formed by erythropoiesis, contain hemoglobin and can be recycled - RBC formation and turnover
Blood - Red blood cells, formed by erythropoiesis, contain hemoglobin and can be recycled - RBC production
Blood - The ABO blood types and Rh system are based on antigen-antibody responses
Blood - The various types of white blood cells contribute to the body's defenses
Blood - Platelets, disc-shaped structures formed from megakaryocytes, function in the clotting process
Blood - Hemostasis involves vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, and blood coagulation
The Heart - Anatomy - The pericardium
The Heart - Anatomy - Superficial anatomy of the heart
The Heart - Anatomy - Internal anatomy and organization
The Heart - Action potential - The conducting system
The Heart - Action potential - Contractile cells
The Heart - Cardiac cycle
The Heart - Cardiac output - Factors affecting the heart rate
Blood vessels and circulation - Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins differ in size, structure and functional properties
Blood vessels and circulation - Pressure and resistance determine blood flow and affect rates of capillary exchange
Blood vessels and circulation - Cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms involve autoregulation, neural mechanisms, and endocrine responses
Blood vessels and circulation - The cardiovascular system adapts to physiological sttress and maintains a special vascular supply to the brain, heart and lungs - Vascular supply to special regions
Blood vessels and circulation - MOEILIJK VASCULAIRE GENEESKUNDE
Lymphatic system - Lymphatic vessels, lymphocytes, lymphoid tissues, and lyphoid organs function in body defences
Lymphatic system - Innate (nonspecific) defenses do not discriminate between potential threats and respond the same regardless the invader
Lymphatic system - Adaptive (specific) defenses respond to individual threats and are either cell-mediated or antibody-mediated
Lymphatic system - T cells play a role in initiating, maintaining, and controlling the immune response
Lymphatic system - B cells respond to anitigens by producing specific antibodies
Lymphatic system - MOEILIJK IMMUNITEIT
Respiratory system - The respiratory system, organized into an upper respiratory and a lower respiratory system, has several basic functions - Organization of the respiratory system
Respiratory system - The trachea and primary bronchi convey air to and from the lungs - The primary bronchi
Respiratory system - Alveoli - The bronchioles
Respiratory system - Alveoli - Alveolar ducts and alveoli
Respiratory system - Pulmonary ventilation - the exchange of air between the atmosphere and the lungs - involves pressure changes, muscle movement, and respiratory rates and volumes
Respiratory system - Gas exchange depends on the partial pressures of gases and the diffusion of molecules - Diffusion and respiratory function
Respiratory system - Most oxygen is transported bound to hemoglobin; and carbon dioxode is transported in three ways: as carbonic acid, bound to hemoglobin, or dissolved in plasma - Oxygen transport
Respiratory system - Most oxygen is transported bound to hemoglobin; and carbon dioxode is transported in three ways: as carbonic acid, bound to hemoglobin, or dissolved in plasma - Carbon dioxide transport
Respiratory system - Neurons in the medulla oblongata and pons, along with respiratory reflexes, control respiration - The respiratory centers of the brain
Respiratory system - Neurons in the medulla oblongata and pons, along with respiratory reflexes, control respiration - Respiratory reflexes
Respiratory system - MOEILIJK ADEMHALING
Digestive System - Digestion and Absorption
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - Metabolism is the sum of all the catabolic and anabolic reactions in the body, and energetics is the flow and transformation of energy - Metabolism
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - Metabolism is the sum of all the catabolic and anabolic reactions in the body, and energetics is the flow and transformation of energy - Oxidation and reduction
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - Carbohydrate metabolism generates ATP by glucose catabolism and forms glucose by glucogenesis
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - Lipid metabolism provides long-term storage and release of energy - Lipid catabolism: lipolysis
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - Protein metabolism provides amino acids and synthesizes protein
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - Adequate nutrition allows normal physiological function
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - Metabolic rate is the average caloric expenditure, and thermoregulation involves balancing heat-producing and heat-losing mechanisms - Thermoregulatie
Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics - MOEILIJK METABOLISME
Urinary system
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - The ECF and ICF make up the fluid compartments, which also contain cations and anions
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - Hydrostatic and osmotic pressures regulate the movement of water and electrolytes to maintain fluid balance
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and chloride balance is essential for maintaining homeostasis
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - In acid-base balance, regulation of hydrogen ions in body fluids involves buffer systems and respiratory and renal compensatory mechanisms - Mechanisms of pH control
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - In acid-base balance, regulation of hydrogen ions in body fluids involves buffer systems and respiratory and renal compensatory mechanisms - Maintenance of acid-base balance
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis and metabolic acidosis/alkalosis are classes of acid-base balance disturbances
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance - MOEILIJK BALANS
Development and Inheritance