Samenvatting: Guyton And Hall Textbook Of Medical Physiology | 9781455770052
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Lees hier de samenvatting en de meest belangrijke oefenvragen van Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology | 9781455770052
1 functional organization of human body and control of the internal environment
1.2 extracellulair fluid - the 'internal enviroment'
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Wat is de functie en wat zijn de kenmerken van het extracellulaire vocht?
-Extracellulaire vocht in constant in beweging
- Ionen en cellen zijn nodig om de cel in leven te houden
- Transporteert cellulaireafvalstoffen (bv Koolstof) doordiffusie tussen de bloedbaan en decapillairen -
Welke ionen bevinden zich in het extracellulaire vocht?
- Natrium (Na)
- Chloride (Cl)
- Bicarbonaat / Waterstofcarbonaat (HCO3−)
- Zuurstof (O2)
- Glucose (C6H12O6)
- Vetzuren
- Aminozuren -
Welke ionen bevinden zich in het intracellulaire vocht?
Grote hoeveelheden
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Fosfaat (PO₄³ ⁻)
- Kalium (K) -
Wie introduceerde in de 19e eeuw een term voor Extracellulair vocht?
- Franse fysioloog Claude Bernard
- Milieu intérieur
- Internalenvironment -
1.3 homeostasis - maintenance of a nearly constant internal environment
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Hoe zorgen je spieren voor homeostase?
zonder spieren kan het lichaam geen voedsel krijgen.
Bescherming tegen de vijandige omgevingen. -
hoe wordt koolzuur uitgescheiden
op het moment dat koolzuur in het bloed komt, wordt koolzuur uitgewisseld in de alveoli. Bij de uitademing wordt het koolzuur verwijder. -
Wat word bedoeld met homeostatische compensatie?
- Doet zich voor na verwondering of een grote omgevingsverandering in het lichaam.
- Kan zich voordoen als een afweging die nodig is om vitale functies van het lichaam te behouden
!! Op lange termijn kunnen deze acties bijdragen aan abnormaliteiten van het lichamelijk functioneren !! -
Hoe filteren de nieren?
De eerste filtering is in de glomerulus, hierbij word het hele plasma gefilterd, op de eiwitten na.
In de tubilus worden de belangrijkste stoffen die nodig zijn weer geresorbeerd. -
Waar richt de pathofysiologie zich op?
Richt zich op fysiologische processen die veranderen bij ziekte of beschadiging -
Welke organen scheiden producten uit en op welke manier?
longen - zoolzuur
nieren - scheiden stoffen uit die niet belangrijk zijn
Darmen - stoffen die niet nuttig zijn en via de darmen binnenkomen, worden via de feces weer uitgescheiden.
Lever - het elimineren van giftige stoffen wat via de gal uitgescheiden wordt.
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Onderwerpen gerelateerd aan Samenvatting: Guyton And Hall Textbook Of Medical Physiology
Functional organization of human body and control of the internal environment - homeostasis - maintenance of a nearly constant internal environment
Functional organization of human body and control of the internal environment - control sysmtems of the body
Functional organization of human body and control of the internal environment - Summary—Automaticity of the Body
The cell and its functions - organization of the cell
The cell and its functions - physical structure of the cell
Measuring the membrane potential
Contraction of muscle fibers - Physiological anatomy
Cardiac muscle: The heart as a pump and function of the heart valves
Rhythmical excitation of the heart
The Normal Electrocardiogram
Cardiac Arrhythmias and their electrocardiographic interpretation
Overvieuw of the circulation; biophysics of pressure, flow and resistance - Physical characteristics of the circulation
Vascular distensability and functions of the arterial and venous systems - Vascular distensibility
The microcirculation and lymphatic system; capillary fluid exchange, interstitual fluid and lymph flow
Local and Humoral Control of tissue blood flow - Local control of blood flow in response to tissue needs
Local and Humoral Control of tissue blood flow - Mechanisms of blood flow control
Local and Humoral Control of tissue blood flow - Humoral control of the circulation
Nervous Regulation of the circulation and rapid control of arterial pressure - Nervous regulation of the circulation
Role of the Kidneys in Long-term control of arterial pressure and in hypertension - Renal-body fluid system for arterial pressure control
Cardiac output, Venous return and their regulation - Normal values
Muscle blood flow and cardiac output during excersise - Coronary circulation
Heart Valves and heart sounds; valvular and congenital heart
Circulatory Shock and it's treatment
The Body fluid compartments: extracellular and intracellular fluid; edema
The Urinary system: functional anatomy and urine formation by the kidneys
Glomulaire filtratie, renal blood flow and their control
Renal tubular reabsorption and secretion
Urine concentration and Dilution; regulation of extracellular fluid osmolarity and sodium concentration
Renal regulation of potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium; integration of renal mechanisms for control of blood volume and extracellular fluid volume
Pulmonary Ventilation - Mechanics of Pulmonary Ventilation
Pulmonary Ventilation - Pulmonary Volumes and capacities
Pulmonary Ventilation - Alveolar ventilation
Pulmonary circulation, Pulmonary Edema, Pleural fluid
Physical principles of gas exchange, diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the respiratory membrane - Compositions of alveolair air and atmosperic air are different
Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Blood and tissue fluids
Regulation of respiration - Respiratory center
Regulation of respiration - Role of Oxygen on respiratory control
Regulation of respiration - Other factors that effect respiration
Organization of the nervous system, basic functions of synapses and neurotransmitters - General design of the nervous system
Organization of the nervous system, basic functions of synapses and neurotransmitters - Central nervous system synapses
Sensory receptors, neural circuits for processing information
Somatic sensations: 1. General organization, the Tactile and position sensen
Somatic Sensations II: Pain, Headache and thermal sensations
The Sense of Hearing - Cochlea
The Sense of Hearing - Central Auditory Mechanisms
Motor functions of the spinal cord; The cord reflexes
Cortical and Brain Stem Control of Motor Function
Contributions of the cerebellum and basal ganglia to overal motor control - Cerebellum and its motor functions
Contributions of the cerebellum and basal ganglia to overal motor control - Basal ganglia and their motor functions
Cerebral cortex, intellectual functions of the brain, learning and memory - Functions of specific cortical areas
Cerebral blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain metabolism
General principles of the gastro-intestinale tractus function
Propulsion and mixing of food in alimentary tract - Ingestion of food
Propulsion and mixing of food in alimentary tract - Motor functions of the stomach
Propulsion and mixing of food in alimentary tract - Movements of the small intestine
Secretory functions of the alimentary tract - Secretory of saliva
Secretory functions of the alimentary tract - Gastric secretion
Secretory functions of the alimentary tract - Pancreatic secretion
Secretory functions of the alimentary tract - Secretion of Bile by the liver
Secretory functions of the alimentary tract - Secretions of the small intestine
Digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract
Metabolism of carbohydrates and formation of adenosine triphosphate
Lipid metabolism - Transport of lipids in the bodyfluids
Liver as an organ
Dietary balances: regulation of feeding; obesity and starvation; vitamins and minerals
Pituitary hormones and their control by the hypothalamus - Physiological functions of growth hormone
Adrenocortical hormones - Functions of the mineralcorticoids- Aldosterone
Adrenocortical hormones - Functions of glucocorticoids
Fetal and neonatal physiology