Samenvatting: Health Psychology | Edward P Sarafino
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Lees hier de samenvatting en de meest belangrijke oefenvragen van Health Psychology | Edward P. Sarafino
1 An Overview of Psychology and Health
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1.1 What is health?
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Hoe wordt gezondheid in de taal van de straat gedefinieerd?
1. de afwezigheid van objectieve signalen dat het lichaam niet goed functioneert. vb hoge bloeddruk2. subjectieve symptomen van ziekte of gewond zijn v pijnEchter deze definitie voldoet niet -
Op welke manier denkt de bevolking over gezondheid?
Het denkt in termen. Men is gezond bij de afwezigheid van objectieve tekens dat het lichaam niet goed meer functioneert en subjectieve symptomen van ziekte of schade. -
1.1.1 An illness/wellness continuum
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Wat heeft Medisch socioloog Aaron Antonovsky gesuggereerd?
We beschouwen de twee begrippen gezondheid en ziek als twee uitersten van een samenhangend geheel. We zijn allemaal, zolang als we leven een soort van gezond. -
Wat is het contiuüm van Antonovsky?
Gezondheid en ziekte worden aan het einde en begin van dat continuüm gesitueerd. Antonovsky redeneerde als volgt: ieder mens sterft en dat weten we, zolang een mens ademhaalt heeft hij/zij een zekere mate van gezondheid. de aandacht moet volgens hem dan ook gelegd worden op hoe mensen gezond blijven.Het illness/welness ontinuum: dood aan de ene kant en optimale welzijn aan de andere kant. -
Wat is een illness/welness continuum?
Dit is een overzicht met aan de ene kant 'dood' en aan de andere kant 'optimal wellness'. Dit diagram is opgesplitst in verschillende vakken. Hoe verder naar rechts hoe gezonder je bent, hoe verder naar links hoe minder gezond. -
Hoe wordt nu gezondheid gedefinieerd?
een positieve staat van fysieke, mentale en sociaal welzijn dat naar gelang de tijd varieert langs een continuum. -
1.1.2 Ilness today and in the past
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Wat was de grootste doodsoorzaak in Noord-Amerika in de 17-19 eeuw?
Twee typen van ziektes: dieetziektes en infectieziektes. -
Wat waren de twee oorzaken van sterfte in het begin
slechte voeding: bijv darmziektesinfectieziekten : micororganismes -
Welke infectieziektes zorgden in de 18e eeuw tijdens de koloniale periode van Amerika voor veel doden?
Er waren veel periodes met epidemieën van vooral pokken, difterie, gele koorts, mazelen en griep. Vooral kinderen kwamen om. -
Wat was de oorzaak dat het sterftecijfer hard achteruit ging?
1. preventieve maatregelen als verbeterde persoonlijke hygiëne, betere voeding;2. publieke gezondheidsinnovatie: waterzuivering bijvoorbeeld.
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Onderwerpen gerelateerd aan Samenvatting: Health Psychology
An Overview of Psychology and Health - What is health? - Ilness today and in the past
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Viewpoints from history: physiology, disease processes, and the mind - Early cultures
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Viewpoints from history: physiology, disease processes, and the mind - Ancient Greece and Rome
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Viewpoints from history: physiology, disease processes, and the mind - The Middle Ages
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Viewpoints from history: physiology, disease processes, and the mind - The Renaissance and after
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Seeing a need: psychology's role in health - Problems in the health care system
Seeing a need: psychology's role in health - Lifestyle and Illness
Seeing a need: psychology's role in health - Personality and Illness
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Seeing a need: psychology's role in health - How the role of psychology emerged
Current perspectives on health and illness - The biopsychosocial perspective - The Concept of
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Current perspectives on health and illness - Life-span and gender perspective
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Relating health psychology to other science fields - Related fields
An Overview of Psychology and Health - Relating health psychology to other science fields - Health and psychology across cultures
The body's physical systems - How the nervous system works
The central nervous system - The Spinal Cord
The body's physical systems - The peripheral nervous system
The endocrine and nervous systems working together - Glands
The body's physical systems - Adrenal glands
The body's physical systems - Other glands
The body's physical systems - The digestive system - Food's journey trough digestive organs
The body's physical systems - The respiratory system - The respiratory tract
The body's physical systems - The respiratory system - Respiratory function and disorders
The body's physical systems - The cardiovascular system
The body's physical systems - The immune system - Antigens
The body's physical systems - The immune system - The organs of the Immune System
The body's physical systems - The immune system - Defending the body with an immune response
The body's physical systems - The immune system - Less-than-optimal defenses
Stress - Primary and secondary appraisal
Stress - Biological aspects of stress
Stress - General adaptation syndrome
Stress - Psychosocial aspects of stress
Stress - Sources of stress throughout life - Sources within the person
Stress - Sources of stress throughout life - Sources in the family
Stress - Sources in the community and society - Jobs and stress
Stress - Sources in the community and society - Measuring stress
Stress - Sources in the community and society - Life events
Stress - Sources in the community and society - Daily hassles
Who gets social support? - Gender and sociocultural differences in personal control - Social support stress and health
Psychosocial modifiers of stress - Social support - Does social support always help?
Stress, biopsychosocial factors, and illness - Psychosocial modifiers of stress - A sense of personal control
Stress, biopsychosocial factors, and illness - Psychosocial modifiers of stress - A hardy personality
Psychosocial modifiers of stress - Type A and Type B behavior patterns - Defining and measuring behavior patterns
Psychosocial modifiers of stress - Type A and Type B behavior patterns - Gender, age, and sociocultural differences in type A behavior
Psychosocial modifiers of stress - Type A and Type B behavior patterns - Type A behavior and health
Psychosocial modifiers of stress - Type A and Type B behavior patterns - Type A's "deadly emotion
Stress, biopsychosocial factors, and illness - How stress affects health
Stress, biopsychosocial factors, and illness - Psychophysiological disoders
Stress and cardivascular disorders - Hypertension - Stress, Emotions and Hypertension
Stress, biopsychosocial factors, and illness - Stress and cardivascular disorders - Conorary heart disease
Stress, biopsychosocial factors, and illness - Stress and cancer
Coping with and reducing stress - Coping with stress - What is Coping?
Coping with and reducing stress - Coping with stress - Functions and methods of coping
Coping with and reducing stress - Reducing the potential for stress - Improving one's personal control
Coping with and reducing stress - Reducing the potential for stress - Exercising: links to stress and health
Coping with and reducing stress - Reducing the potential for stress - Preparing for stressful events
Reducing stress reactions: stress management - Behavioral and cognitive methods - Relaxation
Reducing stress reactions: stress management - Behavioral and cognitive methods - Systematic Desensitization
Reducing stress reactions: stress management - Behavioral and cognitive methods - Approached focusing on cognitive processes
Coping with and reducing stress - Reducing stress reactions: stress management - Massage, meditation and hypnosis
Coping with and reducing stress - Using stress management to reduce coronary risk - Modifying type a behavior
Coping with and reducing stress - Using stress management to reduce coronary risk - Treating hypertension
Health-related behavior and health promotion - Health and Behavior
What determines people's health-related behavior? - General Factors in health-related behavior - Learning
What determines people's health-related behavior? - General Factors in health-related behavior - Social, personality and Emotional factors
What determines people's health-related behavior? - General Factors in health-related behavior - Perception and Cognition
What determines people's health-related behavior? - The Role of beliefs and intentions - The health belief model
What determines people's health-related behavior? - The Role of beliefs and intentions - The theory of planned behavior
What determines people's health-related behavior? - The Role of beliefs and intentions - The stages of change model
Health-related behavior and health promotion - Programs for health promotion
Substance use and abuse - Smoking Tobacco - Smoking and health
Substance use and abuse - Alcohol use and abuse - Who drinks and how much?
Substance use and abuse - Drug use and abuse
Reducing substance use and abuse - Preventing substance use - Health Promotion and Education
Reducing substance use and abuse - Treatment methods to stop substance use and abuse - Psychosocial Methods for Stopping substance abuse
Substance use and abuse - Reducing substance use and abuse - Dealing with the relapse problem
Nutrition, Weight Control and Diet, Exercise, and Safety - Nutrition & Components of food
Using Health services - Types of health services - Office-based and impatient treatment
Using Health services - Using and misusing health services - Who uses health services?
Using and misusing health services - Why people use, don't use and delay using health services - stages in Delaying Medical Care
Using Health services - Using and misusing health services - Using complementary and alternative medicine
Using Health services - Using and misusing health services - Problematic Health service Usage
Using Health services - The patient-practitioner relationship - Patient preferences for participation in medical care
Using Health services - The patient-practitioner relationship - The practitioner's behavior and style
Using Health services - The patient-practitioner relationship - The patient's behavior and style
Compliance: adhering to medical advice - Why patients do and do not adhere to medical advice - Age, Gender and Sociocultural Factors
Compliance: adhering to medical advice - Why patients do and do not adhere to medical advice - Psychosocial Aspects of the Patient
Using Health services - Compliance: adhering to medical advice - Patient-Practitioner Interactions
In the Hospital: The setting, procedures, and effects on patients - Being hospitalized
Emotional adjustment in the hospital - Coping processes in hospital patients - Cognitive Processes in Coping
Emotional adjustment in the hospital - Coping processes in hospital patients - Helping Patients Cope
Emotional adjustment in the hospital - When the hospitalized patient is a child - Helping Children Cope with Being Hospitalized
In the Hospital: The setting, procedures, and effects on patients - How health psychologist assist hospitalized patients
In the Hospital: The setting, procedures, and effects on patients - When the illness is a terminal - The patient's age
In the Hospital: The setting, procedures, and effects on patients - When the illness is a terminal - Psychosocial adjustments to terminal illness
In the Hospital: The setting, procedures, and effects on patients - When the illness is a terminal - Medical and psychological care of dying patients
In the Hospital: The setting, procedures, and effects on patients - When the illness is a terminal - A place to die- hospital, home or hospice
The nature and symptoms of pain - What is pain? - The qualities and Dimensions of pain
The nature and symptoms of pain - What is pain? - Perceiving pain
The nature and symptoms of pain - Biopsychosocial Aspects of pain - Neurochemical transmission and inhibition of pain
The nature and symptoms of pain - Biopsychosocial Aspects of pain - Personal and Social experiences and pain
The nature and symptoms of pain - Biopsychosocial Aspects of pain - Emotions, coping processes, and pain
The nature and symptoms of pain - Assessing people's pain
The nature and symptoms of pain - Pain in children