Samenvatting: Physiology Of Domestic Animals | 9788291743073 | Oystein V Sjaastad, et al
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Lees hier de samenvatting en de meest belangrijke oefenvragen van Physiology of Domestic Animals | 9788291743073 | Oystein V. Sjaastad; Knut Hove; Olav Sand
1 Basic Chemistry and Physics
1.2 Work and Energy
Welke twee hoofdvormen van energie onderscheiden we ?
Kinetische energie & potentieel energie -
Hoe word arbeid gemeten?
W = F * m -
3 From Cells to Body
3.1 Major Aspects
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Welke twee systemen zijn verantwoordelijk voor de communicatie tussen cellen?
Zenuwstelsel en endocrienestelsel -
Hoe noemen de cellen die door een bepaald hormoon of neuron worden beïnvloed?
Doelcellen -
Wat zijn klassieke hormonen? Wat zijn lokale hormonen?
Klassieke hormonen zijn hormonen die in de interstitiele vloeistof worden gesecreteerd en het hele lichaam kan bereiken
Lokale hormonen zijn hormonen die lokaal of aan naastliggende cellen worden gedistribueerd -
Waar zijn de receptoren van de wateroplosbare en vetoplosbare signaal moleculen gelokaliseerd?
Wateroplosbare moleculen binden op eenextracellulair gedeelte van de receptoren die geankerd zijn in het celmembraan. Vanuit daar zal er eensecond messenger als signaal molecule informatie verstrekken.Vetoplosbare signaalmoleculen diffuseren door het celmembraan en binden op eenintracellulair receptor -
In welke categorieën delen we de weefsels in?
- Epitheel
- Bindweefsel
- Vloeistof
- Spieren
- Zenuwen
- Epitheel
3.2 Chemical Communication between Cells
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Wat is de biologische respons op lipide-oplosbare hormonen?
Receptor bindt op DNA in denucleus -> veranderde eiwit synthese in de cel. -
Wat is de biologische respons op water-oplosbare hormonen?
Veranderde functie van proteïne moleculen (activiteit van intracellulaire enzymen) die al present zijn in de cellen. -
Waar bindt een signaal molecule op de receptor?
Bindingsplaats. Dit is een 3D structuur die specifiek is voor een bepaalde molecule.
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Onderwerpen gerelateerd aan Samenvatting: Physiology Of Domestic Animals
From Cells to Body - Chemical Communication between Cells
Cardiovascular System - Major Aspects
Cardiovascular System - The Heart - The Cardiac Valves
Cardiovascular System - The Heart - Structure and Function of the Myocardium
Cardiovascular System - Electrocardiogarphy (ECG)
Cardiovascular System - The Pumping Function of the Heart - The Phases of the Cardiac Cycle
Cardiovascular System - The Pumping Function of the Heart - Heart Sounds
Cardiovascular System - Cardiac Output - Regulation of Stroke Volume
Cardiovascular System - Cardiac Output - Nerveuze en hormonale regulatie van de pompwerking van het hart
Cardiovascular System - Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure
Cardiovascular System - Coronary Circulation
The Respiratory system - Major aspects
The Respiratory system - The Airways
The Respiratory system - The Alveoli
The Respiratory system - Ventilation - Inspiration
The Respiratory system - Ventilation - Expiration
The Respiratory system - Ventilation - Factors Influencing Ventilation
The Respiratory system - Gas Exchange - Physical Properties of Gases
The Respiratory system - Gas Exchange - Gas Pressures in Pulmonary Alveoli
The Respiratory system - Gas Exchange - Gas exchange in hte Lungs
The Respiratory system - Transport of O2 in Blood - Binding of O2 to Hemoglobin
The Respiratory system - Transport of CO2 in Blood
The Respiratory system - Regulation of Respiration
The Respiratory system - Respiration in Birds - Respiration in Eggs
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Major Aspects - Urine
The Kidneys - Structure of the Nephron - The tubular system
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Blood Flow and Hydrostatic Pressures in Renal
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Function of the Glomerulus
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Tubular Function - Tubular Reabsorption
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Tubular Function - The Relationship between Structure and Function of the Tubular cells
Tubular Function - Mechanisms of Reabsorption - Active reabsorption
Tubular Function - Mechanisms of Reabsorption - Passive reabsorption
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Tubular Function - Secretion
Tubular Function - Tubular Handling of Important Substances - Glucose
Tubular Handling of Important Substances - Ions
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Tubular Function - Water
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Tubular Function - Production of Concentrated and Dilute Urine
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Regulation of Colume and Osmolarity of Body Fluids
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - The Urinary Tract
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Total Water Balance
The Kidneys and the Urinary Tract - Urination
Acid-Base Regulation - Major Aspects
Acid-Base Regulation - pH in Body Fluids
Acid-Base Regulation - Formation of H
Acid-Base Regulation - Buffers - The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
Acid-Base Regulation - Buffers - Buffering of Non-volatile Acids
Acid-Base Regulation - Disturbances in the Acid-Base Balance
The Digestive System - General Aspects of Digestion
The Digestive System - The Walls of the Digestive Tract - Mucosa
The Digestive System - Regulation of the Functions of the Digestive Tract
The Digestive System - Phases of Regulation - Regulation of Appetite
The Digestive System - Oral Cavity
The Digestive System - Pharynx and Esophagus - Food Transport through the Esophagus
The Digestive System - The Ruminant forestomachs
The Stomach - Anatomy - Cell types in the stomach mucosa
The Digestive System - The Stomach - Muscle Contractions in the Stomach
The Digestive System - The Stomach - Secretion of Gastric Juice
The Digestive System - The Abomasum
The Digestive System - The Pancreas - Anatomy
The Digestive System - The Pancreas - Ionic Composition of Pancreatic Juice
The Digestive System - The Pancreas - Species Differences in the Secretory Patterns of Pancreatic Juice
The Digestive System - The Liver, the Bile Ducts and the Galbladder
The Digestive System - Digestion in the Small Intestine
The Digestive System - Degradation and Absorption of Nutrients in the Small Intestine
The Digestive System - The Large Intestine
Utilization of Organic Nutrients
Reproduction - Hormonal Regulation of Gonadal Activity
Reproduction - The Early Development of Sex Characteristics
Reproduction - Physiology of Reproduction in the Male - The internal Genitalia in Males
Physiology of Reproduction in the Male - The External Genitalia - The penis
Physiology of Reproduction in the Male - The External Genitalia - The scrotum
Reproduction - Physiology of Reproduction in the Male - Production of Spermatozoa
Reproduction - Physiology of Reproduction in the Male - Hormonal Aspects of Sexual function in Males
Reproduction - Physiology of Reproduction in the Female - The Internal Genitalia in Females
Reproduction - Physiology of Reproduction in the Female - Ovarian Cyclicity
Lactation - Major Aspects
Lactation - The Udder - The Mammary Glands
Lactation - The Udder - The Udder of the Cow
Lactation - Mammary Development and Growth
Lactation - Hormonal Control of Milk Secretion
Lactation - Composition of Milk in Different Species - Colostrum
Lactation - Composition of Milk in Different Species - Regular Milk
Lactation - Synthesis of Milk Components - Lactose
Lactation - Synthesis of Milk Components - Milk Fat
Lactation - Synthesis of Milk Components - Protein
Lactation - Milk Removal - The Milk Ejection Reflex