Samenvatting: Psychology | 9781464141959 | University Peter O Gray
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Lees hier de samenvatting en de meest belangrijke oefenvragen van Psychology | 9781464141959 | University Peter O Gray
1 Foundations for the Study of Psychology
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Wat is de definitie van Psychologie? Welke gebieden bestudeert de psychologie en hoe zou je deze omschrijven?
De psychologie is de wetenschap van het gedrag (behavior) en de menselijke geest (mind).- Gedrag: de observeerbare handelingen van een persoon of dier.
- Geest: De subjectieve ervaringen van het individu en de onbewuste in het brein opgeslagen kennis die de basis vormt van het bewuste gedrag en ervaring.
Hoe zijn genen betrokken in lange termijn gedragsveranderingen afgeleid van ervaringen?
De genen zitten er al ,maar de ervaring activeert deze, vervolgens worden de proteinen geproduceerd die op hun beurt de functie van het zenuwstelsel veranderen en daarbij ook de manier waarop het individu zich gedraagt. -
Door wie werd psychologie een wetenschap? En onder welke stroming viel hij? Leg ook uit wat die stroming globaal inhoud.
Wilhelm Wundt =
richtte het eerste wetenschappelijk instituut voor experimentele psychologie op en schreef een boek (1879, Leipzig). Hij onderzocht op een systematische manier hoe prikkels door de geest worden ontvangen en verwerkt. Hij hoorde bij het structuralisme.
Structuralisme =
lette vooral op het verkennen v.d. structuur v.d. bewuste ervaringen. -
Wat betekenen onderstaande (engelse) termen?Reciprocityvicarious reinforcementpituitaryincentiveconvergerencoördinerenproximityocclusionillusory conjunctions
Reciprocity = wederkerigheid
vicarious reinforcement = plaatsvervangende bekrachtiging
pituitary = hypofyse
incentive = stimulants, reinforcer
convergeren = beide ogen naar hetzelfde kijken
coördineren = object volgen met ogen
proximity =nabijheid
occlusion = overlapping
illusory conjunctions = misleidende verbindingen -
Wat houdt de term science (wetenschap) in en hoe wordt dit toegepast in de psychologie?
Wetenschap refereert aan alle pogingen om vragen te beantwoorden door het systematisch verzamelen en logisch analyseren van objectief waarneembare data. De meeste data in de psychologie is gebaseerd op observatie van het gedrag, omdat gedrag direct waarneembaar is en de geest niet, maar psychologen gebruiken die data vaak om conclusies te trekken over de menselijke geest. -
Wat is het verschil van geno en feno type
Genotype is de erfelijke genen van de ouders zoals de DNA, en een fenotype is wat tot uiting is gekomen van de genen van de ouders. -
Wat is verticale genoverdracht ?
bij seksuele voortplanting krijgen de nakomelingen een deel van het genetische materiaal van beide ouders. -
Wat is het verschil tussen een dominant en recessief gen/ allel?
Dominanten allelen( gen) komen altijd tot uiting bij een fenotype
Recessieve allelen komen alleen tot uiting als ze beiden op kleine a berusten.
dus aa ... beide ouders
Onvolledige dominant allel(gen) : zorgt voor een intermediair fenotype .
zowel het dominante als recessieve allen komen tot uiting . -
Wat is Polygene?Wat is multifactoriele kenmerken ?
Polygene is een overerving
Multifactoriele kenmerken is dan gevolg van mileu beïnvloeden en meedere (polygene) genencombinatie. -
1.1 Three Fundamental Ideas for Psychology: A Historical Overview
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Wat zijn de 3 ideeën van psychologie?
- Gedrag en mentale processen hebben geen bovennatuurlijke oorsprong, maar komen voort uit materie. Materialisme
- Een persoon verandert door ervaringen. Empirisme
- De mens is ontstaan uit evolutie door natuurlijke selectie. Nativisme
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Onderwerpen gerelateerd aan Samenvatting: Psychology
Background to the Study of Psychology - Three Fundamental Ideas for Psychology: A Historical Overview - The Idea of Physical Causation of Behavior
Background to the Study of Psychology - Three Fundamental Ideas for Psychology: A Historical Overview - The Idea That the Mind and Behavior Are Shaped by Experience
Background to the Study of Psychology - Three Fundamental Ideas for Psychology: A Historical Overview - The Idea That the Machinery of Behavior and Mind Evolved Through Natural Selection
Background to the Study of Psychology - The Scope Of Psychology
Methods of Psychology - Lessons from Clever Hans - The Lessons
Methods of Psychology - Types of Research Strategies - Research Designs
Methods of Psychology - Types of Research Strategies - Research Settings
Methods of Psychology - Types of Research Strategies - Data-Collection Methods
Methods of Psychology - Statistical Methods in Psychology
Methods of Psychology - Minimizing Bias in Psychological Research
Methods of Psychology - Ethical Issues in Psychological Research
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Review of Basic Genetic Mechanisms
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Inheritance of Behavioral Traits
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Evolution by natural selection
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Natural selection as a foundation for functionalism
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Natural selection as a foundation for understanding species-typical behaviors - Species-typical behaviors in humans
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Natural selection as a foundation for understanding species-typical behaviors - The value of cross-spiecies comparisons of spiecies-typical behaviors
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Evolutionary analyses of mating patterns
Genetics and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior - Evolutionary analyses of hurting and helping
Basic processes of learning - Classical conditioning - Fundamentals of Classical Conditioning
Basic processes of learning - Classical conditioning - What Is Learned in Classical Conditioning?
Basic processes of learning - Classical conditioning - Conditioned Fear, Liking, Hunger and Sexual Arousal
Basic processes of learning - Classical conditioning - Conditioned Drug Reactions
Basic processes of learning - Operant conditioning - From the Law of Effect to Operant Conditioning: From Thorndike to Skinner
Basic processes of learning - Operant conditioning - Principles of Reinforcement
Basic processes of learning - Operant conditioning - Discrimination Training in Operant Conditioning
Basic processes of learning - Beyond classical and operant theories of learning: play, exploration, and observation
Basic processes of learning - Specialized Learning Abilities - Special Abilities for Learning What to Eat
Basic processes of learning - Specialized Learning Abilities - Other Examples of Special Learning Abilities
The neural contol of behavior - Neurons: The Building Blocks of the Brain
The neural contol of behavior - Methods of Mapping the Brain's Behavioral Functions
The neural contol of behavior - Functional Organization of the Nervous System
The neural contol of behavior - Asymmetry of Higher Functions of the Cerebral Cortex
The neural contol of behavior - Changes in the Brain over Time
Mechanisms of motivation and emotion - General principles of motivation
Mechanisms of motivation and emotion - Reward mechanisms of the brain
Mechanisms of motivation and emotion - Hunger: An example of a regulatory drive
Mechanisms of motivation and emotion - Sex: An example of a nonregulatory drive
Mechanisms of motivation and emotion - The sleep drive
Mechanisms of motivation and emotion - Foundations for understanding emotions
Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing and Psychophysics - Overview of Sensory Processes - Each sensory system has distinct receptors and neural pathways
Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing and Psychophysics - Psychophysics - The difference treshold depends on the magnitude of the original stimulus
Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing and Psychophysics - Smell
Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing and Psychophysics - Taste
Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing and Psychophysics - Pain
Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing and Psychophysics - Hearing
The Psychology for Vision - How the Eye Works
The Psychology for Vision - Seeing Colors - The trichromatic theory
The Psychology for Vision - Development and Plasticity of the Visual System
The Psychology for Vision - Seeing Forms, Patterns and Objects
The Psychology for Vision - Seeing in Three Dimensions
The Psychology for Vision - Multisensory Perpection: Combining Senses
Memory and Attention - Overview: An Information-Processing Model of the Mind
Memory and Attention - Attention: The Portal of Consciousness
Memory and Attention - Working Memory: The Active, Conscious Mind
Memory and Attention - Executive Functions
Memory and Attention - Memory as the Representation of Knowledge
Memory and Attention - Memory as the Process of Remembering
Memory and Attention - Retrieving Information from Long-Term Memory
Solving Problems: Reasoning and Intelligence - How People Reason I: Fast and Slow Thinking, Analogies and Induction
Solving Problems: Reasoning and Intelligence - How People Reason II: Deduction and Insight
Solving Problems: Reasoning and Intelligence - Cross-Cultural Differences in Perception and Reasoning
Solving Problems: Reasoning and Intelligence - The Practice and Theory of Intelligence Testing
The Development of Body, Thought and Language - Physical Development
The Development of Body, Thought and Language - Three Theories of Children's Mental Development - An information-processing perspective on mental development
The Development of Body, Thought and Language - Children's Understanding of Minds
The Development of Body, Thought and Language - The Nature of Language and Children's Early Linguistic Abilities - Universal characteristics of human language
The Development of Body, Thought and Language - Internal and External Supports for Language Development
Social Development - Infancy: Using Caregivers as a Base for Growth
Social Development - Helping, Comforting and Learning from Others in Childhood
Social Development - Parenting Styles
Social Development - The Roles of Play and Gender in Development
Social Development - Adolescence: Breaking Out of the Cocoon
Social Development - Adulthood: Finding Satisfaction in Love and Work
Social Perception and Attributes - Forming Impressions of Other People
Social Perception and Attributes - Perceiving and Evaluating the Self
Social Perception and Attributes - Perceiving Ourselves and Others as Member of Groups
Social Perception and Attributes - Attitudes: Their Origins and Their Effects on Behavior - Relationships of attitudes to behavior: distinction between explicit and implicit attitudes
Social Perception and Attributes - Attitudes: Their Origins and Their Effects on Behavior - The origins of attitudes, and methods of persuasion
Social Influences on Behavior - Effects of Being Observed and Evaluated
Social Influences on Behavior - Effects of Others' Examples and Opinions
Social Influences on Behavior - Effects of Others' Requests
Social Influences on Behavior - To Cooperate or Not: Prosocial Behavior and the Dilemma of Social Life
Personality - Personality as Behavioral Dispositions or Traits
Personality - Personality as Adaptation to Life Conditions
Personality - Personality as Mental Processes I: Psychodynamic and Humanistic Views
Personality - Personality as Mental Processes II: Social-Cognitive Views - Beliefs viewed as personality traits
Personality - Personality as Mental Processes II: Social-Cognitive Views - The idea of situation-specific personality traits
Personality - Personality as Mental Processes II: Social-Cognitive Views - Cross-cultural differences in personality
Mental Disorders - Problems in Identifying Mental Disorders
Mental Disorders - Causes of Mental Disorders
Mental Disorders - Anxiety Disorders - Phobias
Mental Disorders - Mood Disorders - Depressive disorders
Mental Disorders - Schizophrenia
Mental Disorders - Personality Disorders
Treatment - Biological Treatments
Treatment - Psychotherapy I: Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies
Treatment - Psychotherapy II: Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
Treatment - Evaluating Psychotherapies
Statistical Appendix