Samenvatting: Social Psychology | 9781841694092 | Eliot R Smith, et al
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Lees hier de samenvatting en de meest belangrijke oefenvragen van Social Psychology | 9781841694092 | Eliot R. Smith, Diane M. Mackie.
1 What is social psychology?
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Hoe worden we beinvloed door middel van cognitieve processen?
Welk onderzoek deden Hastorf en Cantril van de Vanderbilt University in 1987?
Onderzoek waarbij onderzocht werd gereageerd op de vraag of veroordeelde misdadigers proefverlof mochten hebben.Twee groepen studenten met en zonder belang.Er waren 4 video's1. sterke argumenten met applaus2. sterke argumenten met boegeroep3. zwakke argumenten met applaus4. zwakke argumenten met boegeroepStudenten zonder belang sloten zich aan bij de mening van het publiek in de video, studenten met belang luisterden naar de argumenten -
Wat is repons bias?
Als proefpersonen in het onderzoek gedrag vertonen waarvan zij denken dat het sociaal wenselijk is. -
Hoe worden we beinvloed door middel van de sociale processen?
- kennis en opvattingen van andere mensen
- onze eigen gevoelens ten aanzien van de groep waartoe we behoren
Wat is de taak van een sociaal psycholoog?
Formuleren hypothesen over uitkomsten specifieke situaties
De twee belangrijkste principes (axioma's) in de sociale psychologie zijn:
1. Mensen construeren hun eigen realiteit2. Sociale invloed doordringt het sociale leven -
Hoe word sociale psychologie gedefinieerd?
Het wordt gedefinieerd als een wetenschappelijke studie. Sociaal psychologen bestuderen sociaal gedrag op een systematische manier, met gebruikmaking van wetenschappelijke methoden die geconstrueerd zijn met bewustzijn van mogelijke fouten. -
wat betekent 'door groep in individu te beschouwen'?
er worden inzichten verkregen van de cognitieve processen van een individu in een sociale context.
Benoem in 6 punten; wat is de geschiedenis van sociale psychologie?
- eind 19e eeuw: opkomst wetenschappelijke individu, sociale invloed op gedachten en gedrag
- 20e eeuw: dominantie behaviorisme
- jaren 30/40: VS = Behaviorisme, EU=Gestalt, Nazisme=EU psychologen naar VS - WOII praktische probleemvraagstukken
- jaren 50/60: vershuiving cognitieve processen en interpretatie sociale wereld
- jaren 60: toepassing concepten attitude, normen en waarden op onderzoeken
- integratie Europese en VS psychologen; cognitieve en sociale processen voor verklaringen ervaring en gedrag mensen, fundamenteel en toegepast onderzoek, axioma's motivaties en info verwerking.
Welke psychologische stroming domineerde in Europa?
de Gestalt-theorie, die de cognitieve processen in de interpretatie van de sociale wereld als vanzelfsprekend beschouwde.
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Onderwerpen gerelateerd aan Samenvatting: Social Psychology
A definition - The scientific study
Historical trends and current themes in social psychology - Social psychology becomes an empirical science
Historical trends and current themes in social psychology - Social psychology splits from general psychology over what causes behavior
Historical trends and current themes in social psychology - The rise of Nazism shapes the development of social psychology
Approach book - Two fundamental axioms of social psychology
Approach book - Three motivational principles
Approach book - Three processing principles
Andersom - Research questions and the role of theory
Andersom - Testing Theories: from theory to research
Andersom - Role of Etics and Values in research
Forming first impressions; cues, interpretations and inferences
Beyond first impressions: systematic processing - Causal attributions
Beyond first impressions: systematic processing - Putting it all together; forming complex impressions
Beyond first impressions: systematic processing - The accuracy of considered impressions
Impact van impressie - Impressions and judgements
Impact van impressie - Defending impressions
Impact van impressie - Dealing with inconsistent information
Constructing the self-concept: what we know about ourselves
Constructing self-esteem: how we feel about ourselves
Effects of the self: processes of self-regulation - The self and thoughts about ourselves and others
Effects of the self: processes of self-regulation - The self and emotions: for me or against me?
Effects of the self: processes of self-regulation - The self in action: regulating behavior
Effects of the self: processes of self-regulation - Tempations and other threats to self-regulation
Effects of the self: processes of self-regulation - Taking account of other people's standards
Defending the self: coping with stresses, inconsistencies and failures - Threats to the well-being of the self
Defending the self: coping with stresses, inconsistencies and failures - Defending against threat: emotion-focused coping
Defending the self: coping with stresses, inconsistencies and failures - Attacking threat head-on: problem-focused coping
Defending the self: coping with stresses, inconsistencies and failures - How to cope?
Perceiving Groups - Forming impressions of groups: establishing stereotypes - The content of stereotypes
Perceiving Groups - Forming impressions of groups: establishing stereotypes - Motives for forming stereotypes: mastery through summarizing personal experiences
Perceiving Groups - Forming impressions of groups: establishing stereotypes - Motives for forming stereotypes: connectedness to others
Perceiving Groups - Social Categorization:Dividing the world into Social Groups - Activation of stereotypes
Perceiving Groups - Social Categorization:Dividing the world into Social Groups - Measuring stereotypes and prejudice
Perceiving Groups - Social Categorization:Dividing the world into Social Groups - Impact of stereotypes on judgements and actions
Perceiving Groups - Social Categorization:Dividing the world into Social Groups - Trying to overcome stereotype effects
Perceiving Groups - Social Categorization:Dividing the world into Social Groups - Beyond simple activation: effects of stereotypes on considered judgements
Perceiving Groups - Changing stereotypes: overcoming bias to reduce prejudice - Barriers to stereotype change
Perceiving Groups - Changing stereotypes: overcoming bias to reduce prejudice - Overcoming stereotype defenses: the kind of contact that works
Social Identity - Categorizing oneself as a group member - Accessibility of group memberships
Social Identity - Me, you and them: effects of social categorization - I becomes WE: social categorization and the Self
Me, you and them: effects of social categorization - Others become - Mede groepsleden waarnemen
Social Identity - Me, you and them: effects of social categorization - Others become
Social Identity - When group memberships are negative
Attitudes and Attitude Change - Attitudes and their origins - Measuring attitudes
Attitudes and Attitude Change - Attitudes and their origins - Attitude formation: why and how?
Attitudes and Attitude Change - Superficial and systematic routes to persuasion: from snap judgements to considered opinions - Superficial processing: persuasion shortcuts
Attitudes and Attitude Change - Superficial and systematic routes to persuasion: from snap judgements to considered opinions - Systematic processing of persuasive communications
Attitudes and Attitude Change - Superficial and systematic routes to persuasion: from snap judgements to considered opinions - Superficial and systematic processing: which strategy, when?
Attitudes and Attitude Change - Defending attitudes: resisting persuasion - Gathering defenses: forewarning, forearming and arguing back
Attitudes and Attitude Change - Defending attitudes: resisting persuasion - Subliminal persuasion
Attitudes and Behaviour - Changing attitudes with actions
Attitudes and Behaviour - Guiding actions with attitudes - How attitudes guide behavior
Attitudes and Behaviour - Guiding actions with attitudes - When do attitudes influence action?
Groups, Norms and Conformity - Cnf - The formation of social norms
Groups, Norms and Conformity - Cnf - Public versus private conformity
Groups, Norms and Conformity - The dual functions of conformity to norms: mastery and connectedness - The dual functions of conformity to norms
Groups, Norms and Conformity - The dual functions of conformity to norms: mastery and connectedness - Whose consensus? The impact of reference groups
Groups, Norms and Conformity - How groups form norms: processes of social influence - Group polarization: going to normative extremes
Groups, Norms and Conformity - How groups form norms: processes of social influence - Explaining polarized norm formation
Groups, Norms and Conformity - Conformity pressure: undermining true consensus - When consensus seeking goes awry
Groups, Norms and Conformity - Conformity pressure: undermining true consensus - Consensus seeking at its worst: groupthink
Groups, Norms and Conformity - Minority influence: the value of dissent
Norms and Behavior - Norms: effective guides for social behavior - How norms guide behavior
Norms and Behavior - Norms: effective guides for social behavior - Why norms guide behavior so effectively
Norms and Behavior - Norms: effective guides for social behavior - Deindividuation: making group norms more salient
Norms and Behavior - The norm of reciprocity: treating others as they treat you
Norms and Behavior - The norm of obedience: submitting to authority - The norm of obedience to authority
Norms and Behavior - Rebellion and resistance: fighting back
Norms and Behavior - The norm of commitment: keeping your promises
Liking and Loving - Initial attraction - Physical attractiveness
Liking and Loving - Initial attraction - Positive interaction
Liking and Loving - From acquaintance to friend: relationship delvelopment
Liking and Loving - Close relationships - Cognitive interdependence: the partner becomes part of the self
Liking and Loving - Close relationships - Behavioral interdependence: transformations in exchange
Liking and Loving - Close relationships - Affective interdependence: intimacy and commitment
Liking and Loving - Close relationships - Types of people, types of relationships
Liking and Loving - Close relationships - Effects of relationships
Liking and Loving - Romantic love and sexuality - Passionate feelings
Liking and Loving - Romantic love and sexuality - Sex in the context of a relationship
Liking and Loving - When relationships go wrong - Conflict processes
Liking and Loving - When relationships go wrong - Break-up and aftermath
Interaction in Groups
Aggression and conflict - Interpersonal aggression - What triggers aggression?
Aggression and conflict - Interpersonal aggression - Norms promoting and restraining aggression
Aggression and conflict - Interpersonal aggression - To hurt or not to hurt: putting it all together
Intergroup conflict - Sources of intergroup conflict - Realistic Conflict theory:getting the goods
Intergroup conflict - Sources of intergroup conflict - Escalating conflict: communication and interaction that make things worse
Intergroup conflict - Sources of intergroup conflict - Perceptions in conflict: what else could you expect from them?
Aggression and conflict - Intergroup conflict - Escalating conflict
Aggression and conflict - Intergroup conflict - Final solutions
Aggression and conflict - Resolving conflict and reducing aggression
Helping and Cooperation - Why do people help? Helping for mastery and connectedness
Helping and Cooperation - Role of superficial or systematic processing in helping and coopertion - The impact of processing
Helping and Cooperation - Prosocial behavior in society - Help that helps; help that hurt